Momentum Investing Research

Style Momentum in Australia?

Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) popularized a simple idea: "past winners outperform past losers." Post JT, the relative strength, or "momentum anomaly," was forever ingrained in [...]

Media Coverage and Stock Returns

Ninety Years of Media Coverage and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Hillert and Ungeheuer A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary [...]

How Portfolio Construction Affects Momentum Funds

We have already documented the returns to generic momentum investing strategies. Within the fund marketplace, many investors focus on fees and less on process. For example, Morningstar highlights the fees [...]

DIY Asset Allocation Weights: November 2015

Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights are posted. Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. Sign in here if you already have a [...]

Why I Don’t Invest in Momentum Stocks…Yet!

Confirmation bias is the tendency to cling to research/ideas that confirm with what you already believe. This behavioral bias leads to overconfidence and can impede our search for [...]

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