Academic Finance Research and Insights

The Negative Impact of Crowding on Active Fund Performance

By |July 26th, 2024|Larry Swedroe, Research Insights, Other Insights, Behavioral Finance|

The shrinking pool of public companies across which active funds can diversify their holdings, increases the risk of crowding, which the research we reviewed shows negatively impacts performance. That provides yet another reason for investors to choose to avoid playing the loser’s game of active management.

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The Impact of Amortizing Volatility across Private Investments

By |July 19th, 2024|Private Equity, Volatility (e.g., VIX), Larry Swedroe, Research Insights, Guest Posts, Other Insights|

The amortization of volatility should be of concern for private capital asset classes. In order to properly budget for beta risks, it is critical that investors in private assets understand the amount of systemic (beta) risk that will “wash” into their private portfolios.

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Crypto owners know Crypto…but not finance

By |July 15th, 2024|Research Insights, Basilico and Johnsen, Academic Research Insight, Other Insights, Behavioral Finance|

We find that a significant share of Canadian Bitcoin owners have low crypto knowledge and low financial literacy. We also find gender differences in crypto literacy among Bitcoin owners, with female owners scoring lower in Bitcoin knowledge than male owners.

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Explaining the Performance of Low-Priced Stocks: The Penny Stock Anomaly

By |July 12th, 2024|Research Insights, Larry Swedroe, Factor Investing, Guest Posts, Other Insights, Size Investing Research|

An efficient way to improve the expected performance of an equity strategy would be to systematically exclude penny stocks, as well with high asset growth and extreme past returns, especially if they have low profitability (and exclude funds that don’t screen out such stocks).

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