DIY Asset Allocation Weights: August 2018
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights for the Robust Asset Allocation Index are posted here.[ref] Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. The [...]
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights for the Robust Asset Allocation Index are posted here.[ref] Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. The [...]
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights for the Robust Asset Allocation Index are posted here.[ref] Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. The [...]
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights for the Robust Asset Allocation Index are posted here.[ref] Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. The [...]
This year’s annual financial research “geekfest,” officially known as the American Finance Association Annual Meeting, assembles the world’s top-tier academic researchers to discuss their latest [...]
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights for the Robust Asset Allocation Index are posted here.[ref] Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. The [...]
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights for the Robust Asset Allocation Index are posted here.[ref] Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. The [...]
This past week we had the honor of hosting the first annual "Democratize Quant Conference" with our friends at Villanova University (a link to the [...]
Trend-following is something I've struggled with for years -- always felt like voodoo magic and data-mining. That said, I finally came around to appreciating the [...]
In our final blog post, that finishes the trend-following series, we briefly review the results of the forward-tests of the profitability of various trend following [...]
The Standard and Poor's (S&P) 500 index is a value-weighted stock index based on the market capitalizations of 500 large companies in the US. This [...]
The difficulty in testing the profitability of trend-following rules stems from the fact that the procedure of testing involves either a single- or multi-variable optimization. [...]
We consider an investor and a financial market that consists of only two assets: one risky asset and one safe (or risk-fee) asset. An example [...]
In our context, a technical trading indicator can be considered as a combination of a specific technical trading rule with a particular moving average of [...]
A trend following strategy is based on switching between a financial asset and cash depending on whether the asset prices trend upward or downward. Specifically, [...]
In this post we aim to give an overview of some specific types of moving averages. Specifically, we cover "ordinary" moving averages and mention some examples of exotic moving averages.
One of the basic principles of technical analysis is that ``prices move in trends". Traders firmly believe that these trends can be identified in a timely manner and used to generate profits and limit losses. Consequently, trend following is the most widespread market timing strategy; it tries to jump on a trend and ride it. Specifically, when stock prices are trending upward (downward), it's time to buy (sell) the stock. Even though trend following is very simple in concept, its practical realization is complicated. One of the major difficulties is that stock prices fluctuate wildly due to imbalances between supply and demand and due to constant arrival of new information about company fundamentals. These up-and-down fluctuations make it hard to identify turning points in a trend. Moving averages are used to ``smooth" the stock price in order to highlight the underlying trend.
Tomorrow I'll be sitting with Pat O'Shaughnessy and Ben Johnson to discuss "Straight Talk About Smart Beta." Here is a link to the big Morningstar [...]
The rules around IRAs are really complicated and Wes asked if we could share our flow charts on the subject so others could potentially benefit [...]
We've talked extensively about the concepts of active share and active fee, which aren't flawless metrics, but they have elevated the discussion around identifying and [...]
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights are posted. Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. Sign in here if you already have a [...]
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