CEOs Formative Years and the Gender Gap
The Origins and Real Effects of the Gender Gap: Evidence from CEOs’ Formative Years Ran Duchin, Mikhail Simutin and Denis SosyuraReview of Financial Studies, 2020A [...]
The Origins and Real Effects of the Gender Gap: Evidence from CEOs’ Formative Years Ran Duchin, Mikhail Simutin and Denis SosyuraReview of Financial Studies, 2020A [...]
Impact Investing 2.0: Not Just for Do-Gooders Anymore Diana LiebermanThe Journal of Investing, Winter 2020A version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our [...]
Board leadership positions elude diverse directors Laura Casares Field, Matthew Souther, and Adam YoreJournal of Financial Economics, 2020A version of this paper can be found [...]
Corporate Governance, ESG, and Stock Returns around the World Mozzafar KahnFinancial Analysts JournalA version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our summaries of [...]
The Importance of Climate Risks for Institutional Investors Philipp Krueger, Zacharias Sautner, and Laura T. Starks Review of Financial StudiesA version of this paper can [...]
Foundations of ESG Investing: How ESG Affects Equity Valuation, Risk, and Performance Guido Giese, Linda-Eling Lee, Dimitris Melas, Zoltán Nagy, and Laura NishikawaJournal of Portfolio [...]
Lowering Portfolio Risk with Corporate Social Responsibility Clark, Krieger, and MauckJournal of Investing, February 2019A version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our summaries [...]
Responsible Investing: The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) - Efficient Frontier Lasse Heje Pedersen, Shaun Fitzgibbons, and Lukasz PomorskiWorking PaperA version of this paper can [...]
Here is a link to our podcast on Taylor Schulte's "Stay Wealthy" show. Without question, you have heard of Exchange Traded Funds, also commonly referred [...]
Here is a link to our podcast on "The ETF Prime Podcast":’s Drew Voros offers his perspective on ESG investing, including highlighting the example of [...]
Integrating ESG in Portfolio Construction Roy Henriksson, Joshua Livnat, Patrick Pfeifer, and Margaret StumppJournal of Portfolio ManagementA version of this paper can be found hereWant to [...]
Passive Sustainable Funds: the Global Landscape Hortense Bioy and Kenneth LamontThe Journal of Index Investing, 2018A version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our [...]
A Guide to ESG Portfolio Construction Michael Branch, Lisa R. Goldberg and Pete HandJournal of Portfolio ManagementA version of this paper can be found hereWant to [...]
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