Predictability of the Value Premium Across Asset Classes
The value spread is the difference between the value signal in the long versus the short portfolio. This isn’t the first time we have hit [...]
The value spread is the difference between the value signal in the long versus the short portfolio. This isn’t the first time we have hit [...]
I examine the performance records of performance of Ben Graham's well-known disciples: Walter Schloss, Tom Knapp, Warren Buffett, Bill Ruane, Charlie Munger, Rick Guerin, and [...]
Part 2: From understanding factors to solving investor problems In Part 1, we defined fixed income factors. But factors alone will not solve each investor’s [...]
In the past, I've seen comments on Twitter regarding the Russell 3,000 Value and Growth indices having approximately the same returns since inception. Let's talk [...]
The following factor performance modules have been updated on our Index website.[ref]free access for financial professionals[/ref] Standardized PerformanceFactor PerformanceFactor ExposuresFactor PremiumsFactor AttributionFactor Data Downloads
Part 1: The End of Accounting This is the first part of a series of guest posts by Kai Wu, the CIO & Founder of [...]
The dramatic underperformance of value stocks as defined by the HmL (the return on high book-to-market stocks minus the return on low book-to-market stocks) since [...]
Since the development of the first asset pricing model, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), academic research has attempted to develop models that increase the [...]
Our chat with Wes Gray illuminates the subtle nuance and discipline of concentrated factor investing, the difference between behavioural and risk-based factor premiums, and the [...]
We are proponents of focused (i.e., 50 stock) long-only value and momentum factor strategies.[ref]Please note that in the context of long/short factor investing, which is [...]
The grand experiment of combining massive fiscal and monetary stimulus at a time when the economy is already recovering strongly—the Fed’s latest forecast for 2021 [...]
The following factor performance modules have been updated on our Index website.[ref]free access for financial professionals[/ref] Standardized PerformanceFactor PerformanceFactor ExposuresFactor PremiumsFactor AttributionFactor Data Downloads
Wes Gray, CEO of Alpha Architect, talks about the value rotation, momentum stocks, the ETF white-labeling business, and more with Nate Geraci. External link to the [...]
Figure 1: Investors are between a rock and a hard place.Source: Getty Images. Invesco. Investors are stuck between a rock and a hard place. On [...]
Open Source Cross-Sectional Asset Pricing Andrew Chen and Tom ZimmermannWorking paperA version of this paper can be found here What are the research questions? There has [...]
COVID is killing conference mojo overall, but we were able to host a short and sweet "Democratize Quant" conference this morning. The speakers were terrific [...]
In recent years the field of empirical finance has faced challenges from papers arguing that there is a replication crisis because the majority of studies [...]
Financial economists have long known that volatility and returns are negatively correlated. Fischer Black documented this in his 1976 paper “Studies of Stock Price Volatility [...]
Betting against correlation: Testing theories of the low-risk effect Cliff Asness, Andrea Frazzini, Niels Joachim Gormsen, Lasse Heje PedersenJournal of Financial EconomicsA version of this [...]
The following factor performance modules have been updated on our Index website.[ref]free access for financial professionals[/ref] Standardized PerformanceFactor PerformanceFactor ExposuresFactor PremiumsFactor AttributionFactor Data Downloads
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