A classic value investor–Carl Icahn
Carl's secret to "real money:" You gotta buy 'em when nobody wants them...when everyone hates 'em you buy 'em. When everyone wants 'em you sell [...]
Carl's secret to "real money:" You gotta buy 'em when nobody wants them...when everyone hates 'em you buy 'em. When everyone wants 'em you sell [...]
Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights are posted. Create a free account here if you want to access the site directly. Sign in here if you already have a [...]
Confirmation bias is the tendency to cling to research/ideas that confirm with what you already believe. This behavioral bias leads to overconfidence and can impede our search for [...]
Here is an interesting working paper on the use of fundamental analysis in stock selection. The authors take a dynamic regression "machine learning-esque" approach to building [...]
Cliff Asness gave a talk at The Bloomberg Markets Most Influential Summit a few weeks ago, and offered up some discussion of recent market developments, [...]
A few months ago we highlighted a surprising result: cheap high-quality stocks were getting crushed by expensive junk stocks. The spread at the end of [...]
Meb Faber tweeted an interesting question related to taxes, dividend payers, and the value premium the other day. I'll summarize the heart of the question: How do dividend [...]
In 2007, Warren Buffett gave an extended talk to a group of MBA students at the University of Florida. During it, Buffett spends some time talking [...]
In 2007, Warren Buffett gave an extended talk to a group of MBA students at the University of Florida. Below are some highlights: Question: You [...]
Of the major asset classes, private equity has recently had the best absolute returns. According to Cambridge Associates, the 25-year return on private equity was [...]
In general, investors focused on affordable stocks with strong fundamentals have been taken to the cleaners year-to-date. Meanwhile, expensive stocks with poor fundamentals have been [...]
We sat down and did a quick and dirty analysis of the S&P sector ETFs on a YTD basis and over the past 2 months. [...]
Yesterday we posted a review on Ben's new book, A Wealth of Common Sense. We reached out to Ben and conducted a follow up Q&A. [...]
Book-to-Market Equity, Distress Risk, and Stock Returns, by Griffin and Lemmon (2002 Journal of Finance) investigate the relationship between value premiums and distress risk. There [...]
A new working paper from Gennaili, Ma, and the one-the-only Andrei Shleifer. Expectations and Investment Using micro data from Duke University quarterly survey of Chief [...]
Barron's recently ran an article (written by Research Affiliates), which is titled "Get Smart About Picking Dividend-Rich Stocks." The article highlights that high-quality high-dividend-paying stocks outperform [...]
Many investors are getting excited about the so-called "profitability factor," originally posed by Novy-Marx (here is an alternative story) . Larry Swedroe has a high-level piece [...]
Last week I had the privilege of being on CNBC to talk about value investing. A big shout out to Josh Brown, who introduced me [...]
We've spent a lot of time these days thinking about how to identify economic moat, or a firm's ability to defend against competitive forces in [...]
Executive Summary In this article, we identify how we can improve the performance of the F-Score and enhance a generic value investing approach. In a [...]
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