Is Passive Perfect? High Active Share Long-Term Investing Works Better
Patient Capital Outperformance Cremers and Pareek A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with alpha? Check out our Academic [...]
Patient Capital Outperformance Cremers and Pareek A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with alpha? Check out our Academic [...]
A Value Investing Premium, Everywhere? A rich body of literature has shown that value investing, or buying stocks that are "cheap" based on a variety of valuation [...]
The Best Investment with the Worst Performance We are huge believers in value investing. I personally started off as a fundamental value guy, spending twenty-plus [...]
Beating a Dead Horse: Value investing and momentum investing work At this stage in our lives we've essentially memorized the CRSP/Compustat database. Name an anomaly and [...]
Predicting Material Accounting Misstatements Dechow, Ge, Larson and Sloan A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with alpha? [...]
Executive Summary Although it has been very difficult to overcome our initial skepticism, we've finally accepted the notion that simple technical analysis may serve as [...]
The evidence suggests that we keep highly active exposures to value and momentum in their purest forms (assuming we are doing high-conviction non-watered down versions of the anomalies). Blending the strategy dilutes the benefit of value and momentum portfolios. The summary of the benefits of a pure value and a pure momentum approach can be summarized as follows: Easier ex-post assessment, stronger portfolio diversification benefits, and stronger expected performance.
Beware of any investment that has the word, "yield," embedded in the title. This is especially important for "dividend yield" strategies. Because the term makes investors [...]
Rebalance frequency affects value and quality factors in different ways: Value works better when assessed more frequently Quality factors work about the same, regardless of frequently. Other important [...]
Barry has a nice piece in the Washington Post asking a simple question: What is the best valuation metric to assess if a stock is cheap or [...]
We were recently passed along an article suggesting that valuation spreads, or the spread in a valuation metric across the most expensive and least expensive stocks, matters [...]
We have discussed market valuations in the past, but the issue of market valuations was recently raised on CNBC, when Robert Shiller suggested he may shift out [...]
US News laundry lists their top 10 "Value Investing Funds," or Value Investing ETFs, in their recent article: The criteria (and weighting) for selecting so-called [...]
Last week, Wes had a short post entitled, Where are the Cheap Firms? The post showed that when we look at the cheapest stocks in [...]
Energy (mostly oil-related) and consumer discretionary (brick & mortar retailers). Cheap--or at least relatively cheap--based on enterprise multiples.
Asset Manager Contracts and Equilibrium Prices Buffa, Vayanos, and Woolley (2014) A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers [...]
The success and failure of value investing can be boiled down into two components: Buy Cheap Stuff Avoid Behavioral Bias Buy Cheap Stuff Ben Graham outlined [...]
Following value strategies can be hazardous to one's wealth in the short run. Oil stocks are a great example of the challenge value investors face: The stocks [...]
I just took a snapshot of the front page of Yahoo Finance,, and @ 1725 EST @ 1725 [...]
Wow. We blew out 300+ books in a few weeks. There are a lot more quant geeks out there than I originally suspected. Holy mackerel! [...]
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