Value Investing Research

Cheap Stocks Win…EVERYWHERE

Value Around the World Nilufer Caliskan and Thorsten Hens A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with alpha? [...]

Shareholder Yield is here!

Cambria Funds is out with an interesting ETF. Here is the fact sheet: At 59bps, this fund is low-cost, tax-efficient, and likely to produce [...] Interviews

Mumbling, bumbling, and stumbling on a last minute interview with The Motley Fool, but there are few coherent bits in this interview. I've also got [...]

Quant Value Book Excerpt

Tadas Viskanta was kind enough to share an excerpt from out book with his blog audience. If you want to check it out, click the [...]

Correlation-Based Allocation Review

Sanz Prophet has a very detailed and interesting review of an idea we proposed recently: Correlation-Based Allocation. We propose a model that is designed to [...]

Dividing Value into “Priced” and “Mispriced”

Gerakos and Linnainmaa have a new paper out: and,%20J.T.%20Linnainmaa%20-%20The%20Unpriced%20Side%20of%20Value.pdf Here is code to perform the decomposition: Summary Book-to-market (BE/ME) ratios explain variation [...]

Applied Quantitative Value (Part 4 of 4)

I sat down with Wes Gray--who also contributes frequently on this blog under the title Wesley Gray, Ph.D.--and Toby Carlisle--who runs the great blog over [...]

Quantitative Value vs. Magic Formula Stocks

Here is a quick screen comparison between our Quantitative Value (described here) and the Magic Formula (screen results from here): click to enlarge click to enlarge [...]

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