Value Investing Research

Calculating Value Portfolios–Why Details Matter

The Devil in HML's Details Cliff Asness and Andrea Frazzni Key Points: Using a more real-time estimate for book-to-market (B/M) matters. Alphas from using [...]

Do Cash-Adjusted P/E Ratios Work?

A guest speaker in my lecture last week mentioned something interesting: Apple looks like a growth stock on a P/E basis, but when you strip [...] Performance Update

If you are unfamiliar with and you call yourself a "value investor," you've been missing out on the greatest value communities of all time. [...]

Are stock pickers better than Computers?

Empiritrage has a detailed research piece on the question of whether or not quantitative value can beat fundamental stock-pickers. Here are a few highlights: [...]

Magic score: Long-Term vs. Short-Term

Security Analysis, by Graham and Dodd, is a classic text on value investing. We love it. And despite our outward "quant" appearance, everything thing we [...]

Shorting the Magic Formula

I just got back from the Value Investing Congress-- The event was exceptional and very thought-provoking. While Einhorn's annihilation of Green Mountain Coffee was impressive [...]

How to use the Fama French Model

The CAPM is prolific, but doesn't appear to work! In this blog, we discuss our views on how to use the Fama French model. (Note: [...]

More Magic Formula Analysis

As a professor by day, I spend a lot of time doing research and studying financial data. Recently, my research assistant and I have been [...]

How “Magic” is Magic Formula Investing?

The underlying concept of magic formula investing is a genius marketing platform, but it is unclear how "magic" the formula actually is--examine 'cheapness,' examine 'quality,' combine [...]

The Ultimate Short Book.

Identifying Overvalued Equity Messod Beneish and Craig Nichols A version of the paper  can be found here. Live implementation data can be found at Empirical Finance [...]

Ben Graham Trading Rules Backtest

Our recent Ben Graham post generated a lot of interest and a LOT of emails. One of the more interesting questions asked was, "How does [...]

Backtesting Ben Graham

Charles Mizrahi, over at, suggested we backtest a simple Ben Graham strategy mentioned in a 1976 article he dug up in Medical Economics. Charles has been [...]

The Other Side of Value

The Other Side of Value Robert Novy-Marx A version of the paper can be found here. (sorry, I couldn't find a free link to the source paper). [...]

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