Compound Your Knowledge Ep 29: What’s the Story Behind EBIT/TEV?
This week we discuss Ryan's article examining the Enterprise Multiple, EBIT/TEV, or Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) divided by the firm's Total Enterprise Value [...]
This week we discuss Ryan's article examining the Enterprise Multiple, EBIT/TEV, or Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) divided by the firm's Total Enterprise Value [...]
We've saw a spike in questions the last few days related to the various "value is really cheap posts" coming into the mainstream. This conversation [...]
Tesla (TSLA) breached the $100 billion market capitalization in January 2020 and became the most valuable car manufacturer globally. However, valuing the company is challenging [...]
A common question we receive at Alpha Architect is the following: "Why do you focus on EBIT/TEV as a value screen for stocks instead of [...]
What are the two most annoying words in forecasting? IT DEPENDS. In this piece we look at the "value" of value, which has been beaten [...]
In this video, we examine two articles highlighted on our site. The first article, written by Larry Swedroe, examines the Value and Momentum performance over [...]
The dramatic underperformance of the value premium since 2018, among the largest drawdowns in history, has led many to question its existence. It is certainly [...]
The Use and Value of Financial Advice for Retirement Planning W.V. Arlow, K.C. Brown, and S.E. JenksJournal of Retirement, Winter 2020A version of this paper [...]
Boring versus Cheap Winners
From 2017 through 2019, the Russell 1000 Growth Index returned 20.5 percent per annum, outperforming the Russell 1000 Value Index, which returned 9.7 percent, by [...]
Last week I summarized the 2019 factor performance for U.S. stocks. A natural follow-up question was the following--"what about International stocks?" A great question. So [...]
Why Do Enterprise Multiples Predict Expected Stock Returns? Steve Crawford, Wesley Gray and Jack Vogel Journal of Portfolio Management, forthcoming A version of this paper [...]
Asset Allocation vs. Factor Allocation—Can We Build a Unified Method? Jennifer Bender, Jerry Le Sun, and Ric ThomasJournal of Portfolio ManagementA version of this paper [...]
A large body of evidence demonstrates that investment strategies focused on buying stocks that are cheap relative to measures of fundamental value have achieved higher [...]
When Equity Factors Drop Their Shorts David Blitz, Guido Baltussen, and Pim van VlietWorking PaperA version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our [...]
And the Winner Is…A Comparison of Valuation Measures for Equity Country Allocation Adam Zaremba and Jan Jakub SzczygielskiJournal of Portfolio ManagementA version of this paper [...]
Over the past decade academics and practitioners alike have argued that multi-factor portfolios offer significant benefits to investors looking for enhanced and more diversified solutions. [...]
There has been abundant discussion regarding the utility of dividends.[ref]Here are a few examples: dividends, dividends, and more dividends…and Jon See'ds piece on buybacks, if [...]
Superstar Investors Brooks, Tsuji and VillalonJournal of Investing, February 2019A version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our summaries of academic finance papers? Check [...]
James MontierA full version of this paper can be found in this bookWant to read our summaries of academic finance papers? Check out our Academic Research [...]
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