Value Investing Research

The Failure of Value Investing explained

Explaining the Demise of Value Investing Baruch Lev and Anup Srivastava A version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our summaries of academic [...]

Can Low Vol Strategies Be Improved

My Advisor Perspective article of June 17, 2019 discussed the regime shifting nature of the low volatility anomaly—low volatility stocks have outperformed high volatility stocks, [...]

Value Investing & Concentration

As many investors have experienced, Value investing has underperformed for some time now. For the period following the Global Financial Crisis, Value investing (in general) [...]

Factor Investing Research On Steroids

Factor Premia and Factor Timing: A Century of Evidence Antti Ilmanen, Ronen Israel, Toby Moskowitz, Ashwin Thapar, and Franklin Wang Working paper A version of [...]

Deep Dive into the Value Factor

The financial equivalent of the famous Miller Lite, “tastes great, less filling” debate is the debate between traditional financial economics which uses risk theories to [...]

Factor Investing in Practice

Factor Investing from Concept to Implementation Eduard van Gelderen, Joop Huij, and Georgi KyosevWorking paperA version of this paper can be found here[ref]hat tip to Art [...]

Size and Value in China

Size and Value in China Jianan Liu, Rob Stambaugh, and Yu Yuan Journal of Financial Economics A version of this paper can be found here What [...]

EBITDA, EBITDA, EBITDA…that’s all, folks!

Value investing practitioners and academics have long studied the enterprise multiple effect, including my own business partners, Jack and Wes. The literature reveals that Enterprise [...]

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