After a Lost Decade, Will Value Get its Groove back in 2019?
Borne in academia and raised by fund managers seeking to outperform, value style mutual funds and ETFs today hold close to $2 trillion[ref]Morningstar[/ref]. But with [...]
Borne in academia and raised by fund managers seeking to outperform, value style mutual funds and ETFs today hold close to $2 trillion[ref]Morningstar[/ref]. But with [...]
The "stock market," at least as measured via the S&P 500, has been on an epic performance run -- especially relative to almost all asset [...]
Early in the summer, I was on a podcast with Corey Hoffstein discussing momentum investing. During the discussion, Corey asked me a question regarding risk [...]
The Conservative Formula: Quantitative Investing made Easy Pim van Vliet and David Blitz A version of this paper can be found here. Want to read our [...]
Trading costs are a hot topic these days. The topic has sparked investor attention because of the rise of systematic factor investing strategies available via [...]
In this article, we discuss why trusting an investment process can be very hard, and how you should approach the challenge. Trust the Process - [...]
We believe there are cause and effect relationships in the world -- and in investing -- that hold true over time. Many are common sense [...]
Factor Regressions are one way to ascertain a fund's exposure to certain factors that an investor/advisor may want to allocate towards, such as Value, Momentum, [...]
Here is a link to our podcast on Behind the Markets This is a special episode of Behind the Markets with Wharton alumni for SiriusXM's [...]
Mirror, mirror, on the wall – which is the fairest of them all? Recent commentary (to include a recent Barron's article) seems to suggest that [...]
As evidenced by the image below, interest in momentum research has taken off since the original 1993 Jegadeesh and Titman paper: Source: "Two Centuries of [...]
Buy cheap. This is a motto many live by, not only in their daily lives but also in their investment philosophy. Historically, "buying cheap" stocks [...]
Readers often send us great questions related to different ideas on systematic value strategies. The outcome of years of back and forth with readers and [...]
Explaining the Value Effect in Emerging Markets: Tangible vs Intangible Information Douglas W. Blackburn and Nusret Cakici A version of this paper can be found here. [...]
Wes asked that I contribute to the ongoing debates regarding the construction of value and momentum portfolios. There are three key research pieces on [...]
It has been well-documented that value stocks have provided higher expected returns than growth stocks. However, there is a great debate about the source of [...]
The academic research has generally found valuations, such as the earnings yield (E/P) (or the CAPE 10 earnings yield) and valuation spreads, have predictive value [...]
Reading really old research is humbling. is an awesome place to start. One quickly recognizes that market participants were very savvy way back in the [...]
This article examines a somewhat overlooked, but important, discussion that raged among academic researchers on the source of the value investing premium in the late 1990s and early 2000s—the topic: factors vs characteristics.
Replicating Anomalies is arguably a "must-read" for anyone who thinks about factor investing and is looking to improve their understanding of the space. Lu Zhang, [...]
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