Book Review — Common Stocks and Common Sense
Investing can perhaps be best learned through a combination of applied practice and continuous study. While there is no substitute for real-world experience and the [...]
Investing can perhaps be best learned through a combination of applied practice and continuous study. While there is no substitute for real-world experience and the [...]
A couple of weeks ago, I received Franklin Templeton Investments' letter to shareholders of Franklin Limited Duration Trust (ticker FTF) imploring us to not let "self-serving" Saba [...]
The dot-com bubble of the late 90s was a wild time in the stock market. Internet stocks were trading through the roof, tech IPOs were [...]
n short, value investing the past few years has been a bad experience, but things can get a lot worse before they can get better. Sadly, this is the lot of the value investor. Value investing is really a tragic story of pain, anguish, and heartbreak that never really has a happy ending. The expected gains are almost always offset with extreme relative performance pain.
Anyone who has spent time reading this blog has become familiar with research involving asset pricing anomalies that generate excess returns. In particular, the academic [...]
Technical Analysis: The Market’s Oldest Religion During the 1600s, the Dutch had a large merchant fleet and the port city of Amsterdam was a dominant [...]
Harry Houdini is perhaps the best-known magician of all time, gaining notoriety in the early 20th century through his daring escape acts. Houdini escaped from straight [...]
We discussed private equity replication with public equities here and here. Erik Stafford just won the "honorable mention" award from AQR for his work on [...]
Value investing is an investment philosophy that has been extensively discussed and examined at least since the days of Ben Graham, who popularized it as [...]
We are fundamentals-based value investors, just like Warren and Charlie, but have chosen to pursue the art of value investing in a slightly different way [...]
Jack and I published, "Analyzing Valuation Measures: A Performance Horse-Race Over the Past 40 Years," in the 2012 Journal of Portfolio Management. Here is a [...]
In the past we have discussed how to combine value and momentum investing strategies to improve an equity allocation. In this piece we discuss why an investor should combine value [...]
Last year we highlighted what we deemed the "value investing pain train." In 2015, cheap high-quality stocks started getting crushed by expensive junk stocks. Here is a [...]
Having spent what seems like a lifetime in the financial industry at this point, I've always had this nagging suspicion about private equity (PE): private equity [...]
Accruals, Cash Flows, and Operating Profitability in the Cross Section of Stock Returns Ball, Gerakos, Linnainmaa and Nikolaev A version of the paper can be [...]
Value investing was a lot easier in 2012 and 2013 when our value approach beat the market by a substantial margin and we had a reasonable [...]
Awww...modern portfolio theory...that feel-good construct I teach to all of my graduate-level finance students each year. Simply input 1) a vector of expected returns and [...]
The Enterprise Multiple Investment Strategy: International Evidence Walkshäusl and Lobe A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers with [...]
Jason Hsu of Research Affiliates has some easily accessible research on the so-called investor return gap (we refer to this as the Behavioral Investor Gap and have [...]
David Dreman is a personal hero of mine. Years ago, I stumbled on his book, “Psychology and the Stock Market: Investment Strategy Beyond Random Walk,” [...]
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