Corporate Governance

A Navy SEAL says Making Better Decisions is SIMPLE.

The following guest piece outlines the SIMPLE framework (SIMPLE) for making better decisions. SIMPLE was developed by a Navy SEAL with combat and business experience. An application of the SIMPLE framework, applied to financial advisors, is at the end of the piece.

Does Diversity add value to asset management?

The research literature on diversity in asset management, while promising, is limited with respect to the breadth of the evidence produced to date. We don't really understand the broad-based benefits of diversity nor how diversity delivers value in asset management. How does it really work? Is it the university, the college major, gender, race, the work experience? That is where this study comes into play. The authors propose a unifying concept called homophily to analyze the impact of diversity in asset management using hedge funds as their laboratory. Sociology describes homophily as groups of people that share common characteristics such as beliefs, values, education, and so on. In a team setting those characteristics make communication and relationship formation easier. Further, a large body of research in sociology specifically documents the presence of homophily with respect to education, occupation, gender, and race. Luckily, management teams within hedge funds can be characterized by just those dimensions.

Short Campaigns by Hedge Funds

Our analysis highlights the importance of short campaigns for understanding the economic impact of activist hedge funds.

Financial Literacy in the US…Doesn’t look great!

This paper aims to analyze financial literacy in the United States, utilizing the most recent data from the National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) collected in 2021 by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Investor Education Foundation. The paper focuses on the importance of financial literacy, particularly in the context of the economic conditions in the US, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, inflation, and changes in the financial system.

Is ESG Investing Counterproductive?

The article introduces a concept called "impact elasticity," which measures how a firm's environmental impact changes in response to shifts in its cost of capital (the "E" in "ESG"). It finds that the dominant sustainable investing strategy, which favors green firms and punishes brown firms by altering their cost of capital, can be counterproductive.

Organization Capital and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns

This paper focuses on "organization capital," representing intangible assets in a firm's key employees that is not captured by classic value measures such as book-to-market. The authors propose a structural model to analyze the impact of organizational capital on asset prices and argue that shareholders perceive firms with high levels of organizational capital to be riskier than those with more physical capital.

Executives vs. Chatbots in Earnings Conference Q&A

In this study, we introduce a novel measure of information content (Human-AI Differences, HAID) by exploiting the discrepancy between answers to questions at earnings calls provided by corporate executives and those given by several context-preserving Large Language Models (LLM) such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and an open source LLM.

Institutional Investing and Manager Forbearance

Forbearance is important and we argue that performance evaluation should be multifaceted, akin to a Bayesian decision-maker who conducts continued due diligence and updates beliefs about returns with process information.

Managerial Multitasking in the Mutual Fund Industry

The article aims to explore the relationship between multitasking and performance for mutual fund managers, investigate the potential mechanisms and factors influencing this relationship, and provide insights for fund companies and investors regarding the implications of multitasking on fund performance.

How Pervasive is Corporate Fraud?

In this article, we examine the research on the pervasiveness of corporate fraud (misconduct or alleged fraud), which is one of the (less emphasized) costs of public ownership.

What Percentage of Women Serve in Senior Investment Roles?

There is a “Pink” elephant in the room. The paucity of women in the key investment and decisión-making roles in finance is that “pink” elephant. While women are represented at 33%, 37%, and 63% in the law, medical, and accounting professions, respectively (Morningstar 2016), the percentage of female investment decision-makers in investment pales in comparison at less than 10%. And it gets worse if we look at sub-sectors. Take private equity, it’s 6% (Lietz, 2011), hedge funds at 3% (Soloway, 2011), or investment banking documented in this scorecard, at a global median of 0%.

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