Momentum Investing Research

Momentum Investing: Ride Winners and Cut Losers. Period.

Momentum has historically been a great strategy. Although counter-intuitive to many value investors, buying stocks with rising prices has been a great investment approach--arguably better than value investing. Moreover, the approach is robust between the 2 samples analyzed. The lesson is clear: Let your winners ride and cut your losers short.

Has Momentum Been “Arbed” Away?

Momentum Has Not Been 'Overgrazed': A Visual Overview in 10 Slides Claude B. Erb A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary [...]

Flexible Asset Allocation

Generalized Momentum and Flexible Asset Allocation (FAA) An Heuristic Approach Wouter J. Keller and Hugo S.van Putten A recent version of the paper can be [...]

Risk Premia Harvesting Through Momentum

Risk Premia Harvesting Through Momentum Gary Antonacci A version of the paper can be found here. Abstract: "Momentum is the premier market anomaly. It is [...]

Risk-Managed Momentum

Last week we discussed the possibility that "momentum is finished." Astute readers of the blog generally agreed with the concept, but also pointed out that [...]

Momentum Finished?

CXO Advisory highlights an interesting paper with the tagline: "Momentum Not Working?" Here's the link: Here is the link to the source: This [...]

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