Tactical Asset Allocation Research

How Market Volatility Affects Our Brains

The current market volatility is justifiably causing people stress. Nobody wants to see their hard-earned wealth get vaporized. But how does increased stress affect decision-making? A [...]

Rise of the Machines: Predicting Winners and Losers on the Robo-Advisor Battlefield

Robos are changing the landscape of financial services and consumers will reap the rewards. But will the computers replace humans? Unlikely. The psychology coach benefit is hard to replicate with a computer. However, robos will encourage human-based advisors to up their game. Slothosaurus will go extinct—thankfully! First iteration passive robo-advisors will create a lot of value for consumers, but capture little value for their VC investors, unless perhaps they are bought out. Finally, differentiated robo advisors and traditional advisors who embrace technology will score big wins for both consumers and their shareholders.

Avoiding the Big Drawdown with Trend-Following Investment Strategies

Simple timing rules, focused on absolute and trending asset class performance, seem to be useful in a downside protection context. Our analysis of the downside protection model (DPM), applied on various market indices, indicates there is a possibility of lowering maximum drawdown risk, while also offering a chance to participate in the upside associated with a given asset class. Important to note, applying the DPM to a portfolio will not eliminate volatility and the portfolio will deviate (perhaps wildly) from standard benchmarks. For many investors, these are risky propositions and should be considered when using a DPM construct.

Betting Against Days to Cover

Days to Cover and Stock Returns Hong, Li, Ni, et al. A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers [...]

How Smart are “Smart Beta” ETFs?

Many consider smart beta to be a revolution in the asset management industry. For example, Bloomberg ran an article, "Funds Run by Robots Now Accounts for $400 [...]

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