Tactical Asset Allocation Research

DIY Asset Allocation Weights: November 2019

Do-It-Yourself tactical asset allocation weights for the Robust Asset Allocation Index are posted here. (Note: free registration required) Request a free account here if you [...]

Investment Strategy in an Uncertain World

In 1921, University of Chicago Professor Frank Knight wrote the classic book “Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit.” An article from the Library of Economics and Liberty [...]

Sector Business Cycle Analysis

There are different investment approaches to identify sector winners and losers, such as price momentum strategies, top down approach based on specific macroeconomic indicators or [...]

Rebalancing…Not so Fast

My last article used Warren Buffett’s pre-crisis sale of put options to highlight the risk of getting over our financial skis. In both temperament and [...]

Asset Diversification in a Flat World

Diversification is a fundamental principle of prudent investing due to its ability to mitigate/minimize risks. In fact, it has been called the only free lunch [...]

When Diversification Fails

When Diversification Fails Sebastien Page and Robert PanarielloFinancial Analyst Journal, forthcomingA version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our summaries of academic finance [...]

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