How many times has the S&P 500 been over 32%?
What's your guess? Seriously, before looking at the answer below... And the answer is... scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. [...]
What's your guess? Seriously, before looking at the answer below... And the answer is... scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. [...]
"…The inconveniences of a real scarcity cannot be remedied; they can only be palliated.” - Adam Smith, Chapter V, The Wealth of Nations As Adam [...]
Warren Buffett doesn’t like it when people use volatility to measure risk. He succinctly describes his criticism: We bought The Washington Post Company at a [...]
Behavioral finance means a lot of things to a lot of people. In this short piece I'll outline what "behavioral finance" means to academic researchers. [...]
I just love the title of this paper... A job market paper for a PhD student (Jane Zhao) who was on the market a few [...]
Arthur Okun showed that "money sticks where it hits," just a flies do to flypaper. Almost everyone has used flypaper from time to time. If [...]
Thanksgiving. Hanukkah. Why not Thanksgivukkah? Below, one of my partners hopped on his Bloomberg and plotted out some interesting time series: Turkey spot prices. Hanukkah [...]
Market participants often claim that investor sentiment matters for stock returns. This premise was formally studied by Malcolm Baker and Jeffrey Wurgler in their landmark [...]
The term “Black Friday” has been used for many years to describe the day after Thanksgiving, which for retailers marks the beginning of the holiday [...]
The value of information in a multi-agent market model Bence Toth, Enrico Scalas, Jurgen Huber and Michael Kirchler A version of the paper can be [...]
For many investors, it is an article of faith that value investing is the best approach to investing in public equities. Value investors, who are [...]
?? Homo Economicus versus Homo Sapiens Dick Thaler and Cass Sustein in their NY TIMES bestseller, NUDGE, describe two people in the world: Econs and [...]
As many investors know, Eugene Fama developed the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) at the University of Chicago in the 60s, and it subsequently flourished across academia. [...]
A probabilistic system for identifying suicide attempters Gustafson, D. H., Greist, J. H., etal Computers and Biomedical Research, I0, 1-7 An online version of the [...]
Man versus Model of man: A rational, plus some evidence, for a method of improving on clinical inferences Goldberg, L. R. Psychological Bulletin, 73, 422-432 [...]
The search for configural relationships in personality assessment: The diagnosis of psychosis vs. neurosis from the MMPI Goldberg, L. R. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 4, 523-536 [...]
Comparison of reports on lung function tests made by chest physicians with those made by a simple computer program Geddes, D. M., Green, M., & [...]
The Financial Costs of Sadness Lerner JS, Li Y, Weber EU A version of the paper can be found here. Want a summary of academic papers [...]
It is hard enough to let a computer take control of your investment decisions. I think there is an innate comfort to human interaction. Let's [...]
The Justice Department filed criminal charges yesterday against SAC Capital Advisors, accusing the multi-billion dollar hedge fund of securities and wire fraud. What's interesting is [...]
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