Behavioral Finance

How many times has the S&P 500 been over 32%?

What's your guess? Seriously, before looking at the answer below... And the answer is... scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. scroll. [...]

The Psychology of Scarcity: Part 1 of 2

"…The inconveniences of a real scarcity cannot be remedied; they can only be palliated.” - Adam Smith, Chapter V, The Wealth of Nations As Adam [...]

Is Volatility for Misguided Geeks?

Warren Buffett doesn’t like it when people use volatility to measure risk. He succinctly describes his criticism: We bought The Washington Post Company at a [...]

What is Behavioral Finance?

Behavioral finance means a lot of things to a lot of people. In this short piece I'll outline what "behavioral finance" means to academic researchers. [...]

Quant Jocks and Tire Kickers

I just love the title of this paper... A job market paper for a PhD student (Jane Zhao) who was on the market a few [...]

Happy Thanksgivukkah!

Thanksgiving. Hanukkah. Why not Thanksgivukkah? Below, one of my partners hopped on his Bloomberg and plotted out some interesting time series: Turkey spot prices. Hanukkah [...]

Mean Regression and the Value Anomaly

For many investors, it is an article of faith that value investing is the best approach to investing in public equities. Value investors, who are [...]

The Case for Systematic Decision-Making

?? Homo Economicus versus Homo Sapiens Dick Thaler and Cass Sustein in their NY TIMES bestseller, NUDGE, describe two people in the world: Econs and [...]

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