Podcasts and Video

Anti-Dividend Investing: Yield Matters—But Not How You Think!

Dividends are the comfort food of investing. Who wouldn’t love feeling like they’re getting a seemingly “free” payout just for holding onto a stock? As with all good things, there's a little more—perhaps a whole lot more—to the story. Here’s why: even in a tax-free setting, selling stocks before dividend payouts can lead to abnormal returns.

What is Trend Following? A Painful Journey to Smarter Investing

Trend following, at its core, is a strategy where investors buy an asset when it's going up and sell when it’s going down. But unlike panic-driven investors who sell at the worst possible moment, trend followers adhere to a rules-based approach in an attempt to remove emotion from the equation.

Is It Time to Ditch International Stocks?

Since 2010, the S&P 500 has beaten the International Developed market in all but three years. This led the U.S. market to outperform International Developed by an astounding 8.14% compounded per year. Wowza! Talk about pain if you’re a global investor.

Tail Hedging Is Not As Easy As You Think

Convexity can provide explosive payoffs from unlikely events. It’s a powerful weapon to wield, but like most weapons, it could be inefficient or even dangerous in the hands of the untrained.

Doug Talks with Belle about 1042 QRP ESOP Solutions

In this episode host Belle Osvath, CFP® talks with Doug Pugliese who is the Head of 1042 QRP Strategies at Alpha Architect. They discuss 1042 exchanges which allow the owner of a closely held C-Corp to sell their equity to an employee stock purchase plan and defer long-term capital gains as long as they rollover the proceeds into a qualified investment. Doug talks about the benefit to a company and the employees when creating an ESOP and does an excellent job at breaking down the strategy behind the decision. Doug also identifies which business owners are ideal candidates for this type of exchange and discusses the limited investment options that business owners have historically faced and how his team is working to change that. If you have business owner clients our are just curious about this innovative approach to 1042 exchanges this is the show for you.

Wes Talks with Belle about Creating Your Own ETF

In this episode host Belle Osvath, CFP® talks with Dr. Wesley Gray the founder of ETF Architect and Alpha Architect, about how advisors can create their own ETFs which can be used to help manage client funds and taxes. They discuss the creation process, the cost, and what type of advisory practice would benefit the most from their own ETF.

Doug Discusses 1042 QRP and ESOP Transactions

Doug Pugliese, the head of our 1042 QRP business, was recently invited on the ScuttleButt Podcast to discuss the ESOP landscape and the costs and benefits of 1042 QRP transactions. (article on the topic is here).

How I Invest My Own Money: Robust to Chaos.

A lot of people ask me how I invest my own money, and I am always happy to oblige. But I have never discussed the topic in the public (unlike my friend Meb, who has a post dedicated to the subject). However, this past week Justin and Jack asked if they could grill me on my personal portfolio for their excellent podcast, "Excess Returns."

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