Is Financial Advice Conflicted…Or is it Simply Misguided?
The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisers Juhani T. Linnainmaa, Brian Melzer and Alessandro Previtero Kelley School of Business Research Paper No. 18-9 A version of [...]
The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisers Juhani T. Linnainmaa, Brian Melzer and Alessandro Previtero Kelley School of Business Research Paper No. 18-9 A version of [...]
If you have a large "low-basis stock problem," or an "embedded capital gain problem," the Opportunity Zone (OZ) program could possibly be the single largest [...]
Factors, or "style" investing, seems to be all the rage these days, including the use of factors in fixed income (here, here and here are good [...]
What do most people consider to be the biggest benefit of retirement accounts? Many investors and advisors will say, "tax deferral." But a recent article (pdf [...]
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. -- attributed to Mark [...]
Assume you made a decision to invest in an active strategy based on, say, a backtest of the underlying process (to be clear, active means NOT [...]
Mirror, mirror, on the wall – which is the fairest of them all? Recent commentary (to include a recent Barron's article) seems to suggest that [...]
Many people talk about the tax benefits of retirement accounts. However, few attempt to quantify and estimate the actual benefits. To make matters worse, when [...]
This article proposes tail risk hedging (TRH) as an alternative model for managing risk in investment portfolios. The standard risk management approach involves a significant [...]
Watching stock prices drop quickly can be terrifying. In late January, every big decline in stock prices was greeted with lots of media coverage, cable [...]
Executive Summary Factor investing promises outperformance at low cost. But to add value in a portfolio, it must deliver positive risk-adjusted returns and with low [...]
Smart beta (or factor investing) seems to be the product du jour in ETFs. There are so many different factor products available that just about [...]
Merger arbitrage, sometimes known as "risk arbitrage," is an investing strategy in which the investor bets on announced M&A deals. After a merger is announced, [...]
Wes asked that I contribute to the ongoing debates regarding the construction of value and momentum portfolios. There are three key research pieces on [...]
It has been well-documented that value stocks have provided higher expected returns than growth stocks. However, there is a great debate about the source of [...]
There has been much discussion of the small-cap premium recently. Has its popularity cannibalized its utility? Are large firms preventing a level playing field? Will [...]
Many investors, investment professionals, and pundits make comments regarding the relationship between stock correlations and opportunities for active stock pickers. For example, here is a [...]
Short Interest and Lottery Stocks Kelley Bergsma & Jitendra Tayal A version of this paper can be found here Want to read our short summaries of [...]
One area in investing that is often overlooked by investors is trade execution, which relates primarily to commissions, bid-ask spreads, and price impact. Yet sometimes [...]
The market has recently experienced record low levels of realized volatility and the VIX™ (volatility index) has fallen to historic lows. Moreover, the incredibly popular [...]
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