Other Insights

From Man vs. Machine to Man + Machine: The Art and AI of Stock Analyses

An AI analyst trained to digest corporate disclosures, industry trends, and macroeconomic indicators surpasses most analysts in stock return predictions. AI wins when information is transparent but voluminous. Humans provide significant incremental value in “Man + Machine,” which also substantially reduces extreme errors.

Evergreen Private Equity Funds Attracting Assets

Evergreen funds are a relatively new concept in the private equity (PE) world compared to traditional closed-end funds. They were introduced to address the negatives of the traditional way to invest in private equity which had been in the form of partnerships.

Fixing the poor performance of the book-to-market ratio

The authors effectively argue the case for intrinsic value and DCF based approaches to building Value factor strategies. The traditional value measures, especially the book-to-market ratio, are described as ineffective in today's market environment.

The Effect of ESG Strategies on Global Equity Returns

To determine the impact of sustainable investment strategies on equity returns, Romulo Alves, Philipp Krueger, and Mathijs van Dijk analyzed the relationship between ESG ratings and global stock returns. They found very little evidence that ESG ratings were related to global stock returns over the two-decade period.

Overvalued or New Paradigm?

Without question the topic of greatest debate among investors, including investment professionals, and financial economists, is whether or not the market, and the technology sector in particular, is overvalued. There are two very strong conflicting views regarding not only the current valuation of technology stocks, but also the valuation of the entire asset class of large-cap growth stocks. One side, I’ll call the “new paradigm” or “it’s different this time” school. The other side, I’ll call “the been there, done that” school. Its theme is those that don’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. No two sides could have more different viewpoints. To understand each side, let’s imagine a dialogue between the two schools.

Factors and Taxes

As a result of the trading required to capture the premiums that drive factor strategies investors may face significant tax liabilities. The challenge for the [...]

Transaction costs for asset allocation and foreign exchange markets

Transaction costs have a first-order effect on the performance of currency portfolios. Proportional costs based on quoted bid–ask spread are relatively small, but when a fund is large, costs due to the trading volume price impact are sizable and quickly erode returns, leaving many popular strategies unprofitable.

The Negative Impact of Crowding on Active Fund Performance

The shrinking pool of public companies across which active funds can diversify their holdings, increases the risk of crowding, which the research we reviewed shows negatively impacts performance. That provides yet another reason for investors to choose to avoid playing the loser’s game of active management.

The Impact of Amortizing Volatility across Private Investments

The amortization of volatility should be of concern for private capital asset classes. In order to properly budget for beta risks, it is critical that investors in private assets understand the amount of systemic (beta) risk that will “wash” into their private portfolios.

Crypto owners know Crypto…but not finance

We find that a significant share of Canadian Bitcoin owners have low crypto knowledge and low financial literacy. We also find gender differences in crypto literacy among Bitcoin owners, with female owners scoring lower in Bitcoin knowledge than male owners.

U.S. Companies Have Outperformed Japanese Companies, or Have They?

While both the S&P 500 and the Nikkei indices have recently hit all-time highs, the valuation and balance sheet data we have reviewed indicate that the downside risks in Japanese stocks appear to be far less than the risks in U.S. stocks. Evidence such as this helps explain why legendary investor Warren Buffett has been buying Japanese stocks.

Creating Better Factor Portfolio via AI

Trading costs, discontinuous trading, missed trades, and other frictions, along with asset management fees can cause a shortfall between live and paper portfolios. The focus of this paper is to test an effective rebalancing method that prioritizes trades with the strongest signals to capture more of the factor premia while reducing turnover and trading costs.

When Shorts Don’t Short

Low short positions come from positive public news, while negative news can drive average short or extremely high short positions

How to Track Retail Investor Activity in TAQ

This paper explores the effectiveness of the BJZZ algorithm, developed by Boehmer, Jones, Zhang, and Zhang (2021), in identifying and signing retail trades executed off exchanges with subpenny price improvements.

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