Fee Disclosures Can Improve Investor Decision-Making
Out of Sight No More? The Effect of Fee Disclosures on 401(k) Investment Allocations Kronlund, Pool, Sialm and StefanescuJournal of Financial Economics, 2021A version of [...]
Out of Sight No More? The Effect of Fee Disclosures on 401(k) Investment Allocations Kronlund, Pool, Sialm and StefanescuJournal of Financial Economics, 2021A version of [...]
At the table but cannot break through the glass ceiling: Board leadership positions elude diverse directors Laura Casares Field, Matthew E. Souther, Adam S. YoreJournal [...]
Board Gender Diversity and Corporate Innovation: International Evidence Dale Griffin , Kai Li , and Ting XuJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisA version of this [...]
Conflict of Interest in Mutual Fund Sales: What Does the Data Tell Us? Jasmin Sethi, Jake Spiegel, and Aron SzapiroJournal of Retirement, Winter 2019A version [...]
Are Early Stage Investors Biased Against Women? Michael Ewens and Richard TownsendJournal of Financial Economics, forthcomingA version of this paper can be found hereWant to read [...]
Financial Advice and Bank Profits Daniel Hoechle, Stefan Ruenzi,Nic Schaub, Markus Schmid Review of Financial Studies, November 2018 Versions of this paper can be found here and [...]
Family Descent as a Signal of Managerial Quality: Evidence from Mutual Funds Oleg Chuprinin and Denis Sosyura Review of Financial Studies, 2018 A version of this paper [...]
The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisers Juhani T. Linnainmaa, Brian Melzer and Alessandro Previtero Kelley School of Business Research Paper No. 18-9 A version of [...]
Asset Management within Commercial Banking Groups: International Evidence Miguel Ferreira, Pedro Matos and Pedro Pires The Journal of Finance, Fall 2018 A version of this [...]
Here is a link to our podcast on Behind the Markets In this episode of Behind the Markets Jeremy and Wes talk to Kate Waldock, [...]
Recently there has been a fairly active discussion within the financial media on the topic of stock buybacks, or share repurchases. This is probably due [...]
The Dark Side of ETFs? Sounds interesting, and in my humble opinion, an image of Darth Vader on page 1 would be a great addition to [...]
Socially responsible investing (SRI). Environmental, Social, and Governance investing (ESG). Impact investing...and so on... These socially responsible investing concepts can be roughly described as portfolio [...]
Families are a basic and universal institution of human society that provide a network of relationships, safety and support, allowing the transmission of values and [...]
The Wharton Blog Network recently posted a great piece by Maurice Lefkort on Appraisal Arbitrage, an esoteric area of finance in which legal rules that [...]
Bob Pisani was on CNBC this morning chatting about whether or not the NYSE will open tomorrow. One of the biggest concerns on Wall Street [...]
Insider Trading Patterns David Cicero, and M. Babajide Wintoki A version of the paper can be found here. Abstract: "We document two patterns of informed [...]
Predicting Fraud by Investment Managers Stephen Dimmock and William Gerken A recent version of the paper can be found here. Abstract: We test the predictability [...]
Jack and I are working on a new research paper that addresses a very simple question: Can investors improve their screening process by eliminating frauds, [...]
60 Minutes has a great segment explaining the lack of insider trading rules for Congressmen. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7388130n&tag=contentBody;storyMediaBox Amazing, isn't it? You can sit on the healthcare [...]
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