Behavioral Finance

Media Coverage and Stock Returns

Been thinking about availability bias and how it affects stock returns. This isn't a new paper, but it is interesting nonetheless--An "oldie but goodie." [...]

The Trouble with Non-Transparent Active ETFs

Barron's has an interesting article discussing "The Trouble with Actively Managed ETFs." The article should have been titled "The Trouble with Non-Transparent Active ETFs." A [...]

Think You’re Smarter than a Monkey?

BBC has an article discussing the same research we highlighted almost a year ago: Her conclusion is that these biases are so deep rooted in [...]

Confirmation Bias Strikes Again… The pilots of Southwest flight 4013 say that Branson Airport was correctly programmed into their on-board computer Sunday, but that they "mistakenly identified" another [...]

Fama Doesn’t Deserve a Nobel Prize?

Marty Whitman makes a bold statement in his recent letter: “I am disappointed that a Nobel Prize was awarded to Eugene Fama, who studies only markets and [...]

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