Behavioral Finance

Why aren’t you a slave to an algorithm? A great article by Steven Poole. He highlights what Turnkey readers are slowing learning via our Models vs. Experts series: Speaking to the evidence [...]

Models vs. Experts #7: Job Analysis

A comparison of holistic and decomposed judgment strategies in job analyses by job incumbents synthesis Cornelius, E. T., & Lyness, K. S. Journal of Applied [...]

Complexity ==> Confusion and Dysfunction

A heartwarming paragraph from a paper I'm reading: Miller (1956) argued that there are definite limitations on the number of conceptual units that humans can [...]

Models vs. Experts #5: Health Care Protocol

Experience with a computerized interactive protocol system using HELP Cannon, S. R., & Gardner, R. M. Computers in Biomedical Research,13, 399-409. A version of the [...]

Models vs. Experts #4: Electrocardiogram

Performance of the computer and physician in the analysis of the electrocardiogram Caceres, C. A., & Hochberg, H. H. American Heart Journal, 79, 439-443 A [...]

Models vs. Experts #1: College GPA predictions

Predictive efficiency of two multivariate statistical techniques in comparison with clinical predictions Alexakos, C.E. Journal of Educational Psychology, 57, 207-306 A version of the paper can [...]

What happens when you think about finance too much

My uncle, who happens to a professional fisherman down in Mexico,  just sent me a link to an article on sportfishing. The article actually has [...]

The Death of Twitter Trading?

Almost a year ago, we posted a few articles on strategies focused on using Twitter as a mechanism to trade stocks. Our basic conclusion was [...]

The Framing Effect and Your Portfolio

When individuals try to understand or explain an event, they sometimes employ “frames,” which are interpretive structures or filters that help them make sense of [...]

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