Academic Finance Research and Insights

Artificial intelligence, firm growth, and product innovation

By |October 15th, 2024|Asset Growth, Tommi Johnsen, Research Insights, Academic Research Insight, AI and Machine Learning|

AI-powered growth concentrates among larger firms and is associated with higher industry concentration. Our results highlight that new technologies like AI can contribute to growth and superstar firms through product innovation.

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The Hidden Cost of Index Replication

By |October 4th, 2024|Transaction Costs, Research Insights, Larry Swedroe, Other Insights|

An index-tracking approach generally lacks flexibility, which detracts from performance, leaving returns on the table. Intelligent design can overcome such issues. For example, an S&P 500 Index could choose to rebalance one month ahead of the scheduled reconstitution, minimizing the impact of reconstitution. Direct index funds are already engaging in such strategies with ETFs.

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Analysts set price targets using trailing P/E ratios

By |September 30th, 2024|Tommi Johnsen, Research Insights, Academic Research Insight, Behavioral Finance, Value Investing Research, Active and Passive Investing|

Trailing twelve-month P/E ratios account for 91% of the variation in analysts’ price targets. We construct a new kind of asset-pricing model around this fact and show that it explains the market response to earnings surprises.

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