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Fama French Factors and ESG: The Good Minus Bad Factor

By |June 17th, 2019|ESG, Research Insights, Basilico and Johnsen, Academic Research Insight|

Integrating ESG in Portfolio Construction Roy Henriksson, Joshua Livnat, Patrick Pfeifer, and Margaret StumppJournal of Portfolio ManagementA version of this paper can be found hereWant to read our summaries of academic finance papers? Check out our [...]

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Compound Your Knowledge Ep. 14: Sentiment and Bonds, Volatility, & ESG

By |June 3rd, 2019|Compound Your Knowledge, Factor Investing, Podcasts and Video, Research Insights, Media, Low Volatility Investing|

In this week's video, we examine four articles. The first article, written by Elisabetta, examines a trading strategy on bonds (duration) using news sentiment. The second article, written by Larry Swedroe, examines two papers using [...]

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